Project: Portraits of DEF CON

In 2017, at DEF CON 25, I set out to take as many portraits as I could during the conference. At parties, in the conference hallways, at bars, in staff work areas, I grabbed people for a minute or three and took their portraits. I've included all the results in this project. Journalists, staff, speakers, 'famous hackers', lawyers, musicians, academics, first time attendees, and many folks I'm privileged to call friends are all represented here. I appreciate the generosity of my subjects in giving their time to me.

Many of these images don't live up to my own personal high standards due to time constraints, hecticness at the conference, and other factors. Ironically, some of the folks I respect greatly are the same folks I didn't want to impose too much of a burden on their time. In the name of completeness though, I have included all of the people that I took portraits of. It was a hectic weekend. It was DEF CON.

The images on the Portraits of DEF CON page are licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs. Please mail me if you want to use these for commercial purposes, or if you decide to use these for your non-commercial project.

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